exercise lose weight

exercise to lose weight easily

Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Many women think about how they will manage to lose weight after pregnancy once they have given birth, they are shown making miraculous changes after birth, and in no time, regaining their million dollar figures. However, what they always fail to mention is just how much help celebrities receive to achieve their weight loss after pregnancy,

It is an unfair comparison because weight loss after pregnancy this way is not possible for the vast majority of mothers. During this time the new mother’s focus should be on eating a healthy diet and remembering that her body needs to recover from both the term of the pregnancy, and the delivery itself. The sort of diet that a mother needs shouldn’t be more than two thousand calories a day incorporating a small amount of fiber,the food she eats should consist of:

50 percent carbohydrates Protein (30 percent)A tenth as fat

There is a slight discrepancy in the total percentages but this is for a small luxury which everyone needs but not so much that it ruins all the hard work that is being done to reduce weight. No matter how busy you find yourself as a new mom, exercise is still important especially at this early stage as it will help build up your stamina and return the muscle tone you lost during the pregnancy. The idea is that you look forward to the physical activity and enjoy the feeling when it is complete so moderation is the key, otherwise it will feel like a chore and you will give up.


It is best to start things relatively easily but do not expect that your weight loss after pregnancy as quickly as someone else as it is down to your own genetic makeup and how many pounds you gained during the pregnancy.

It is now accepted that the body and metabolism of a woman that has given birth undergoes a number of changes which can sometimes make losing those extra pounds more difficult. The order of the day is that losing weight after pregnancy will be more consistent and healthy if it is achieved slowly but surely through a healthy diet and regular physical activity.

It must be re-iterated that the loss should not be looked upon as something that must be done as quickly as possible as it should really come off about the same sort of pace it was put on. Nevertheless, if you follow the advice here there is no reason why you shouldn’t get your old figure and weight back within a year of giving birth. Losing unwanted pounds after pregnancy is far from impossible and is within reach of all new moms although some women will hang on to the last few pounds they have to lose until they stop breastfeeding.

November 14, 2008 Posted by | Weight Loss After Pregnancy | , , | Leave a comment