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exercise to lose weight easily

Foods that help Weight Loss

It is a known fact that overweight problems are very often rooted in health issues such as thyroid malfunctions or hormone imbalance, yet food remains the number one enemy of the perfect shape. If your weight seems to have gone out of control it’s time you learn something about weight loss food. Some foods help control weight while others actively promote the burning of excess body fat. There are several categories of weight loss food you should have a look at, and here are a few of them to give you an idea about how diverse a diet can be.

You should try meals that have a variety of vegetables and although all will be good for you there are some that are better when it comes to weight loss like peas, boiled beans, cabbage and brussel sprouts. Spaghetti meals that have tomato sauce and meats like veal which is low in fat content mean that you can enjoy your food without feeling guilty. Furthermore, white fish is another option together with boiled vegetables, even mashed potatoes are considered to be a low caloric intake. You can even eat fresh sweet cheese providing it is low fat but yoghurt; porridge and even dark rice are healthy weight loss foods.

Apart form vegetables most fruits are good for the metabolism, being full of antioxidants but special mention should be made of oranges, lemons, grapefruits and especially apples. For instance, water melons may be primarily water but they are still very good for the health of the metabolism as are kiwi fruit and strawberries. The next worth mentioning are grapes; however, avoid high-calorie fruit such as bananas or figs. Most vegetables that are frequently used in salads such as tomatoes, celery, lettuce and cucumbers are also very good at helping with weight loss.

What should also be obvious is the omissions made here like sandwiches, fast food and sweet things like cakes are all going to cause problems and are in no way considered weight loss foods. Many foods that we enjoy like mayonnaise, dark chocolate, ice-cream and even cookies are being made in low fat versions that still retain a flavor almost as good as the full fat versions. Low-fat foods are not necessarily a bad thing but that is not the end of the subject so before you include low-fat versions of all your favorite foods, check the labels carefully as you may find you will not lose weight at all.

November 26, 2008 Posted by | Natural Weight Loss | , | Leave a comment