exercise lose weight

exercise to lose weight easily

Fitness Training Tips

Before any type of fitness training, it is important to doing warm-up or stretching exercises to prevent accidents or to enhance the output during the training. There are also a number of precautionary measures and tips to serve as guidelines when doing fitness exercises. Firstly, stretching should be carried out because it improves the flexibility of muscles and joints prior to and after a workout. It has been shown that by maintaining this regime after physical activity has finished that fewer injuries occur and muscle flexibility increases.

Although a twenty second stretch is sufficient before a routine, if this increased to a minute per movement there is a considerable increase in the flexibility of the muscles and limbs. When carrying out these warm-up stretches, perform them slowly and gently, returning to the starting position in the same way as this will provide the greatest benefit. The way to do this is to maintain the position of a few seconds and then return because it is possible to either strain or pull muscles or joints if you return to the starting position too quickly. Always start with the easiest exercises first until you have warmed up sufficiently to carry out the more difficult ones and ensure that all the muscle groups are warmed before you start training.

Another neglected area to stretch and warm up is the neck, it’s amazing how many people forget even though it is not difficult to do, in fact all it requires is the palm of the hand being placed on the forehead and pushing against it; this can be repeated for the back and sides. If you carry out regular stretching prior to fitness training you will be surprised just how flexible your body becomes and it will increase your ability to perform certain training. Never try to compete with the abilities of others as this is a sure way to injure yourself; even if not at the time, you will almost certainly feel it later when you body has cooled down. Always exercise to limits of your body on the day, just because a few days earlier you could carry out an exercise does not mean that it will be possible all the time so expect this to happen and do not over-exert yourself.

If you are someone who goes to the gym for fitness training every day then remember to alternate the muscle groups as they need to rest and grow for a day before being used again. Aerobic exercises are the best for you because they will improve you cardiovascular system, improve your stamina, lung capacity and overall fitness; exercises like skipping running, rowing, swimming, stepping machines etc. Many people find music good for exercise, especially something with a regular beat that can be worked to; of course mp3 players are ideal for this. Make sure you get a decent pair of headphones though because you will probably want your music loud but not everyone else will want to listen to it. If you are someone who has trouble relaxing or sleeping then you may want to consider stretching exercises as it is good for you even if you are not working out.

December 7, 2008 Posted by | Exercise Lose Weight | , , | Leave a comment