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What is Liposuction?

Liposuction or Lipoplasty as the cosmetic surgeons call it has become another very popular aesthetic body treatment which removes unwanted body fat, usually from the thighs, bottom and stomach. The only problem with this procedure is that sometimes the fat returns but not to the region it was originally taken from.

Two basic techniques of removal are used; the Tumescent technique and Ultrasonic. The most modern of these techniques is Tumescent and has become one of the most commonly practiced aesthetic cosmetic procedures in America.

With this technique, a smaller tube is used to remove the fat which helps limit the amount of bruising which normally occurs. Tumescent liposuction is now the procedure of choice with cosmetic surgeons because the adrenaline added to the solution used, cuts down the bleeding that normally happens.

With Ultrasonic liposuction it is also possible to remove fat from difficult areas such as the upper abdomen, flanks, hip and back.

The conventional method is often more difficult to perform over other cosmetic treatments because the surgeon cannot see where the probe is, and as a consequence internal injury can be the result. It is always in the patient’s interest to find out everything they can about the process before they commit to any cosmetic procedure.

While the liposuction procedure is relatively safe when performed by a cosmetic surgeon, it is not without its risks and side effects, and including, death in very rare instances; approximately 20 out of 100,000. Preparation for this type of treatment is imperative so a series of physical examinations are required to ensure that the risk to the individual is minimal. Keeping the wounds clean and free from infection after the procedure is imperative so plastic surgeons prescribe antibiotics to all patients during the healing process. Techniques in cosmetic surgery have moved forward in leaps and bounds especially in the field of fat removal.

Lipo Dissolve is a series of micro-injections developed to dissolve fat deposits of the face and body providing an effect similar to regular liposuction. Because Lipo Dissolve does not cause any pain, it can be performed without the need for any anesthetic and be used with other skin treatments that do not require surgical intervention.

November 22, 2008 Posted by | weight loss surgery | , | Leave a comment