exercise lose weight

exercise to lose weight easily

Should we go Organic?

Being mindful to what you eat is what doctors would usually advise to you. If you have been consuming the right amount of fish, meat, fruits and vegetables then you have nothing to worry about. Because some of these hold damaging compounds, perhaps you should start changing to organically raised vegetables and other food products.

Essentially, the mainstream of these organic vegetables and other food products have been genetically changed making it a smart choice for buyers. Farmers have used various techniques, chemicals and fertilisers to make them larger even if they recognise that this is risky to your health. No tricks or anything fancy is used to make organically raised crops – you only require fertile soil, sunlight, water and some fertiliser to make it work.

It has been noted from a study that eating organic foods and vegetables on a daily basis can help you achieve a healthier life as 50% more vitamins and minerals can be added to vegetables and other products which have been organically produced compared to those made from established methods.

You will probably feel like you will live longer too as organically raised vegetables taste much fresher. Fertilizers and pesticides have their benefits but they can also be as disruptive because they remove essential vitamins and nutrients that your body requires making you a little less short with your required daily allowance.

Another benefit of consuming organic vegetables and food is that you help the environment which happens because farmers are no more using harmful compounds and put these into the ground. The land that has been cultivated, even after a long time, can still be employed especially by the next generation because it is still fertile.

When you go to the store, one thing you will notice is that the cost of organically grown vegetables and other items are much more expensive than those conventionally grown. Should you always buy something if it is cheaper? In the case of food, the answer is no because you can’t put a price on the lives of those who eat it. You should consider going organic as this will benefit not only you but also people around you especially your family and friends in the future, more than you think it could.

The price of organic vegetables and other products will go down in time if more farmers decide to take part in its production thus introducing and trading it to the markets. It is only because there is a small department of this accessible now in the store but when it becomes an industry standard, things will alter. Until that happens, you can likely plant and grow these in your backyard, you just need the supplies especially the seeds or the fully raised plants to help you get started.

You should take part in assisting these grow not only by sprinkling water every morning as there are still a lot of other things that you should recognise to take good care of them and that is by doing some sound research about it. Many places still aren’t practicing organic planting and usually these places are where US imports a great deal of vegetables making the introduction of organic food and vegetables in the market a hard task.

For everyone here as well as other countries to enjoy the benefits of organically grown vegetables and fruits – encouragement, proper assistance and introduction should be started and driven to bring it to the surface.

December 15, 2008 Posted by | Natural Weight Loss | , | 1 Comment

Improve Your Diet and Increase Your Fitness!

More and more people are deciding enough is enough and doing something to improve their diet and increase their fitness levels. Perhaps this is in part to those health magazine covers with men and women who have desirable, health and fit looking bodies. This desire is being catered for with an increase in ever type of health and fitness club imaginable and the sales of home fitness equipment is on the rise.

Increasingly we are being targeted at home as well with fitness and health product advertising and sponsorship found on TV. The way we eat and the types of food we consume also play a major role in our overall health and fitness so the two should really be emphasized as a joint effort. Staying fit is one part of the equation but by eating the right foods, our fitness levels will increase as will the body’s ability to renew damages to muscle, cells and skin. The subject is broad and many different, often opposing, opinions are aimed at us and because of this it is often confusing deciding on which course of action to take like the high-carb versus the high-fat debate which seems to continue without being resolved.

The first thing you need to know would be the fundamental differences between these two diet approaches because as the name implies, high-carb diets concentrates on taking in carbohydrate-rich foods while high fat diets endorses fat-rich foods. The high carbohydrate diets are good for storing glycogen in our muscles for when we need to perform short lived but very fast exercise as opposed to cardiovascular.

5 times more calories than carbohydrates and proteins alike while studies also show that it takes the body 24 calories to metabolize carbohydrates while it only takes 3 to burn down fat. So according to the experts, it doesn’t matter which you choose, as long as you don’t follow both at the same time, unless weight gain is what you want.

All this is fine if you are exercising regularly but a diet fitness regime is also about reducing the body fat. Just to add another factor to the mix; the success of a diet program relies on it being devised for the person it relates to so factors like their medical history, tastes in foods and lifestyle must be taken into account.

Just losing weight is not the issue as many overweight individuals manage to do this but if the diet doesn’t suit them they pile it all back on, so the trick is to organize a diet that exactly fits your needs and maintain a moderation to what you eat. A person must be careful not to leave out important nutrients plus other substances necessary for healthy body functioning and health organizations are clear about the amounts of nutrients an individual should have in the body.

December 14, 2008 Posted by | Exercise Lose Weight | , , | 2 Comments

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

The majority of mineral supplements are made from chemicals rather than natural substances which is a kind of contradictory approach to the whole issue. This however, does not seem to have deterred many people from taking a lot of them. There will always be the doubts about how good these chemicals are for you and whether they could prove harmful.

The fact is that chemical mineral vitamin supplements are not as easily absorbed as normal food particles a mineral vitamin supplements are. The industry is constantly striving to create products that are more easily processed by the body and therefore more beneficial. So there is a constant chase after better bio available products. This has led to striving to develop supplements that are absorbed better by a process of combining various elements. Iron for example is administered as iron gluconate, enabling the body to absorb the iron more readily.

hen it comes to mineral supplements, they must contain greater quantities of the nutrient in order to allow the body to absorb enough. This can bring up a problem where the consumption of excess increases the toxic level of the nutrient in question is more than what is needed.

This is why it is so important that one must consult with a health professional before ingesting large quantities of supplements touted in advertisements. It would help if you keep abreast of news and developments in the mineral vitamin supplement industry so you can buy the latest combinations which would be better.

To aid absorption, manufacturers have developed a method where the raw material is cultured through yeast cells. This particular form of supplements are referred to as food state and they are up to four times easier for your body to absorb all of the nutrients that are required as the yeast is digested completely.

However, the actual need of mineral vitamin supplements is going to depend on each individual’s diet. The truth is that what you get from your daily diet is far better than having to depend on supplements to make up for any lack of nutrients. Sometimes, it may be found necessary for the individual to take some type of mineral vitamin supplement on a temporary basis however, it is not recommended for long term use for several of the supplements that are available currently.

For more tips and advice check out ezi weight loss

December 11, 2008 Posted by | Dietry Supplements | | Leave a comment

Fitness Training Tips

Before any type of fitness training, it is important to doing warm-up or stretching exercises to prevent accidents or to enhance the output during the training. There are also a number of precautionary measures and tips to serve as guidelines when doing fitness exercises. Firstly, stretching should be carried out because it improves the flexibility of muscles and joints prior to and after a workout. It has been shown that by maintaining this regime after physical activity has finished that fewer injuries occur and muscle flexibility increases.

Although a twenty second stretch is sufficient before a routine, if this increased to a minute per movement there is a considerable increase in the flexibility of the muscles and limbs. When carrying out these warm-up stretches, perform them slowly and gently, returning to the starting position in the same way as this will provide the greatest benefit. The way to do this is to maintain the position of a few seconds and then return because it is possible to either strain or pull muscles or joints if you return to the starting position too quickly. Always start with the easiest exercises first until you have warmed up sufficiently to carry out the more difficult ones and ensure that all the muscle groups are warmed before you start training.

Another neglected area to stretch and warm up is the neck, it’s amazing how many people forget even though it is not difficult to do, in fact all it requires is the palm of the hand being placed on the forehead and pushing against it; this can be repeated for the back and sides. If you carry out regular stretching prior to fitness training you will be surprised just how flexible your body becomes and it will increase your ability to perform certain training. Never try to compete with the abilities of others as this is a sure way to injure yourself; even if not at the time, you will almost certainly feel it later when you body has cooled down. Always exercise to limits of your body on the day, just because a few days earlier you could carry out an exercise does not mean that it will be possible all the time so expect this to happen and do not over-exert yourself.

If you are someone who goes to the gym for fitness training every day then remember to alternate the muscle groups as they need to rest and grow for a day before being used again. Aerobic exercises are the best for you because they will improve you cardiovascular system, improve your stamina, lung capacity and overall fitness; exercises like skipping running, rowing, swimming, stepping machines etc. Many people find music good for exercise, especially something with a regular beat that can be worked to; of course mp3 players are ideal for this. Make sure you get a decent pair of headphones though because you will probably want your music loud but not everyone else will want to listen to it. If you are someone who has trouble relaxing or sleeping then you may want to consider stretching exercises as it is good for you even if you are not working out.

December 7, 2008 Posted by | Exercise Lose Weight | , , | Leave a comment

Health Supplements

There are some individuals that count the calories of everything they consume while others just eat everything that is put in front of them and much, much more. You know the sort of person I’m referring to, someone who will raid the refrigerator and eat all the leftovers, no matter what they are. A bit of cake here, some cookies there, leftover pie, as soon as you see it, you have to have it. Well, you are one of a growing number that like this type of instant pleasure only acquired by eating you really should start considering health supplements.

That may have been rather vivid but I would never encourage people to consume anything and everything. This is simply detrimental to your health, in fact, maybe you want to kick some of those food habits and test out some contemporary health supplements. No, it’s not as daft as it seems because these are going to be a lot healthier for you than eating everything in sight! I often get told by individuals that they just cannot stomach the stuff even though they have never taken them.

I have always been a believer of trying something before I say I don’t like it. I’m talking health supplements made from powder, chocolate and minerals, nothing awful. I have been taking some form of food supplement for years now including a good multivitamin that contains more essential vitamins than I can remember. I believe everyone no matter how healthily you eat would benefit from taking multivitamins and all you do is swallow one at a mealtime.

I also use another great health supplement called whey protein shakes but I only started drinking those only fairly recently. Not only does it taste fantastic (try it yourself and see), it is full of good protein. The best thing about it is you can drink it at almost anytime although I enjoy mine around lunchtime. The other benefit is that they add about 30 grams of protein which really benefits muscle growth.

Health supplements these days are just crammed with everything good for you that the body needs but doesn’t always get from food, but nothing that is bad for you. Things that you are warned about consuming too much of like saturated fats, cholesterol, salt and sugar, to name a few, aren’t in them. I think the best thing you can do is get onto the World Wide Web and get up to date with what’s happening in the world of health supplements.

December 5, 2008 Posted by | Health Supplements | , | 1 Comment

What are Weight Loss Foods?

It is a acknowledged fact that obesity troubles are very often rooted in health issues such as thyroid malfunctions or hormone imbalance, yet, food remains the number 1 enemy of the perfect shape. If you think you plainly cannot manage your body weight any more, it is better to have a good look at weight loss food. There are so many great varieties of food that not only sustain an desired physical shape, but also stimulate fat burn. There are many categories of weight loss foods, which you can choose from, but here only a few items from each family are given, to help you understand that there is no dearth of variety when it comes to preparing for a weight loss diet.

Brussels sprouts, cabbage, boiled beans, peas, lentils and pasta make the base of everyday dishes of weight loss food. You can cherish the tasty spaghetti with tomato sauce and low-fat veal, without needing to count the calories in it. Furthermore, white fish is another alternative together with steamed vegetables, even mashed potatoes are considered to be a low caloric intake. Diets with weigh loss food can be delicious when you settle to have reduced fat fresh cheese, yogurt or tofu along with porridge with oats and brown rice.

Importantly, when it relates to adding fruits or vegetables to your diet, there is frankly, no end to the variety you can select from. As well as grapefruit, oranges and lemons, that make the cornerstone for some diets, it is well acknowledged the role apples have in the energizing the metabolic process.

Watermelon, strawberries and kiwi are fruits which are well-known as effective contributors to your weight loss program. The next worth referring to are grapes although you should avoid high-calorie fruit such as bananas or figs. For long-lasting weigh loss regimes, include vegetables like cucumbers, celery, lettuce and tomatoes.

It is pointless to say that cakes, take-aways, sandwiches and junk food are way off the frequent weight loss food list – on the contrary these may very well be the reasons why you’re experiencing weight or health problems. Nevertheless, there are some great low-fat sources of energy you can take advantage of in particular products such as low fat ice-cream and cookies, dark chocolate, reduced-fat mayonnaise – and the list could go on. In case such foods are also to be added to your weight loss food list, ensure that you are entirely aware of the label details, which take on composition, and the calories they contain.

December 2, 2008 Posted by | Natural Weight Loss | , , | Leave a comment

Eat a Healthy Diet = Healthy Weight Loss

It is amazing to see the amount of people who think that the surest way to lose weight is by going hungry and though it might yield some result immediately, but no physician in his right mind would advocate such a desperate measure. They insist that only respectable weight loss diets are recommended, given the fact that excesses tend to leave the body weaker and almost defenseless when facing illness. The best healthy weight loss diets would advocate two things: keep the calories limited to the exact requirement and supply the body with necessary nutrients during dieting.

Usually individuals ignore the need for a good nights’ sleep for the upkeep of good health, which is as important as burning those excess calories. Most of the women’s periodicals are seen recommending the use of such unscientific diet plans to its readers who are made to believe that these plans are part of a healthy weight loss plan.

For example: eat only boiled vegetables with chicken, fruit and salads, and although the basic starting idea is not wrong, a truly healthy weight loss diet needs to include other nutrients as well, that are not present in boiled vegetables for instance. Weight watchers who follow this type of diet plans with these food groups may actually lose weight and feel good about it, but ultimately they would not be able to reach their weight loss goals, as the whole exercise turns extremely boring after sometime.

If you want to be on the right track for your healthy weight loss diet, all you need to remember is not to eat foods with a high calorific value, keep up the daily physical activities, even if it is walking for thirty minutes, and make sure you rest well. The fact that rest is incredibly essential to our health is gradually being appreciated by the medical science and people with weight problems usually go over-the-top during dinner not even remembering what wrong they did. If you are one of those people who get up in the middle of the night to binge, you are not only damaging your body, you are also putting your healthy weight loss diet plan with exercise, to no use. The result of pursuing a healthy weight loss plan does not take too long to show up as you feel lighter, happier, energetic and you rest better and all these mean that your chances of falling sick also decrease.

The other essential aspect for following a healthy weight loss diet is that you start to feel good about the way you look and feel: entertaining negative feelings about self can do more harm than anything else. The thing to remember is that you cannot expect to lose weight overnight, and most obese individuals normally take up over-tiring physical exercises anticipating miracles from their bodies.

Any healthy weight loss program involves regular physical exercise, but some overweight individuals go overboard with this part, forgetting that your intensity should be mild to moderate in the beginning with swimming or jogging and when you feel up to it, and then join a gymnasium later. The moot point here is that you should take it slowly and never try to overdo anything until such times that you feel entirely comfortable with your workouts.

November 30, 2008 Posted by | healthy weight loss | , , | 1 Comment

What to Do About Love Handles.

Although fat is the source of vitality our body needs, there is a very fundamental difference between having enough or more than enough fat in the body. Definitely, watching movies at home with bags full of fat filled snacks on your lap but then, you have gained a lot of weight, even before the movie stops.

Then you think of physical exercise to get rid of love handles because you’re merely getting uglier with it, so what’s the next best thing to do? Love handles are those extra tires of flesh oozing out round your waist near the brim of your pants which not only look bad but are unhealthy too, so you need to make them vanish. To get back in shape, start doing physical workouts on a regular basis.

Nonetheless it is not a walk in the part to shed those additional tires round your waist, it needs focus, labor and time. This does not mean that you have to go through any physically tormenting time since any exercise should be a pleasant experience. Sure enough your mind is preoccupied about knowing the right exercise to make the love handles go away. Since most of us enjoy home movies, why not do it while working out? Here are some exercises that you can do in front of your TV screen.

Aerobic exercises: these not only burn fats but helps you lose weight too and if you make it a habit, it can help you preserve your desired body weight too. You might find it hard to continue with your exercises while watching a movie, but how about changing to a channel which shows aerobic workouts? This is not very time consuming and takes very little work before you get ready for the next moves.

Try abdominal exercises: The top three in the list today are the captain’s chair, the bicycle maneuver workout, and the ball crunch. These three workouts centers on both the rectus abdominis and the oblique muscular tissues and assist in the development of abdominal muscles, but doing all these 3 are not required. You may only just need one form workout to do away with love handles effectively. You could select to watch your favorite movie at this juncture but do not lose focus on your workouts.

Look what you are eating: Movies can also be enjoyed when you are loaded with some healthy and balanced snacks. Rather than ice cream, try fibrous snacks such as celery or carrots, after all, you only need to exercise at least 3 times a day. So try to chip in your preferred movie along with some of those healthy snacks in between your working out schedules.

Resolve to remain healthy: When you take up workouts to remove those love handles, remember this is a long-term proposition. One of the most essential points to note here is that since the body is on a continuous process of storing fat, you can land up putting on immense amount of weight if you are not careful with your food habits especially during old age, when losing weight is a near-impossible task, hence it is always wise to start early with your workout.

What is advocated is to make these workouts part of your daily living and guarantee that you have the right kind of food with the right kind of workouts and there should be the right kind of time gap between them. The lesson of the story is that you must to be in top form in terms of body shape and overall health.

November 28, 2008 Posted by | Get Rid of Love Handles | , | 2 Comments

Foods that help Weight Loss

It is a known fact that overweight problems are very often rooted in health issues such as thyroid malfunctions or hormone imbalance, yet food remains the number one enemy of the perfect shape. If your weight seems to have gone out of control it’s time you learn something about weight loss food. Some foods help control weight while others actively promote the burning of excess body fat. There are several categories of weight loss food you should have a look at, and here are a few of them to give you an idea about how diverse a diet can be.

You should try meals that have a variety of vegetables and although all will be good for you there are some that are better when it comes to weight loss like peas, boiled beans, cabbage and brussel sprouts. Spaghetti meals that have tomato sauce and meats like veal which is low in fat content mean that you can enjoy your food without feeling guilty. Furthermore, white fish is another option together with boiled vegetables, even mashed potatoes are considered to be a low caloric intake. You can even eat fresh sweet cheese providing it is low fat but yoghurt; porridge and even dark rice are healthy weight loss foods.

Apart form vegetables most fruits are good for the metabolism, being full of antioxidants but special mention should be made of oranges, lemons, grapefruits and especially apples. For instance, water melons may be primarily water but they are still very good for the health of the metabolism as are kiwi fruit and strawberries. The next worth mentioning are grapes; however, avoid high-calorie fruit such as bananas or figs. Most vegetables that are frequently used in salads such as tomatoes, celery, lettuce and cucumbers are also very good at helping with weight loss.

What should also be obvious is the omissions made here like sandwiches, fast food and sweet things like cakes are all going to cause problems and are in no way considered weight loss foods. Many foods that we enjoy like mayonnaise, dark chocolate, ice-cream and even cookies are being made in low fat versions that still retain a flavor almost as good as the full fat versions. Low-fat foods are not necessarily a bad thing but that is not the end of the subject so before you include low-fat versions of all your favorite foods, check the labels carefully as you may find you will not lose weight at all.

November 26, 2008 Posted by | Natural Weight Loss | , | Leave a comment

What is Cellulite

Cellulite is a term used to describe the chain of wrinkled fat cells and subcutaneous connective tissue beneath the skin and which seems to be more prevalent in women than men. Do not be fooled into thinking that this is a condition purely confined to women who are overweight as most carry additional fat anyway but women who are naturally slim can also suffer with this unsightly problem.

Cellulite forms just below the surface of the skin in the thighs and buttocks region, where areas of fat collect and force themselves against the tissue creating a puckered look to the surface of the skin. The real cause of is unknown so is the reasons why some women are more prone to suffering with it than others but scientists believe that it could be due to the way the cells are structured beneath the skin of each individual.

This problem usually comes naturally with aging and similar to wrinkles that form in the face, it is actually the result of lower levels of collagen and elastin in the skin. It is classified as a hormonal imbalance experienced by women and seldom appears on males as normally fat stored in the thighs and buttock is the same as fat stored all over the body so no difference is observed.

Cellulite often goes unnoticed for the majority of the time for most people and is only seen when a person has their thigh muscles compressed in the case of squatting for example or when the skin is pinched in the thigh area and the puckered skin becomes apparent; when the fatty tissue can be felt but most women suffer with this. Just how much a person has will depend on a number of factors like, age, gender, genetics and even the thickness and type of skin they have will affect how easily it can be seen.

Currently there isn’t one single treatment that can rid a person of this condition because the cause has remained elusive despite considerable research into the area. Where cellulite removal massage is offered at a clinic, all that is done is deep tissue massage which just masks the affect so it cannot be seen as readily.

Liposuction is sometimes used to remove fats generally from the body and can be attempted for this condition as well but the use of drugs injected into the cells to remove it is costly and out of reach for most women. However, these are only temporary measures so do not provide permanent relief and liposuction is really only efficient for deeper based fats and not those close to the surface as with cellulite.

Unfortunately at the moment there isn’t a magic formula for removal and it may be some time before it is found although some companies claim that they have creams that are effective but this seems to be better at hiding the effects. So far the best method is back to basics combining a healthy diet with exercise that gradually burns off the fat but not the connective tissue where it is found.

Water too is useful as it has the effect of flushing out toxins that accumulate and are thought to be partly responsible for the cellulite; in addition to this smokers are urged to quit or reduce their smoking which is an effective way for toxins to enter the body.

November 24, 2008 Posted by | What is Cellulite | , | Leave a comment